Vernacular Conversations on Immigration and Border- Crossing: A Narrative-Oriented Action Research Project

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Adonay A. Montes
Fernando Rodríguez-Valls


Borders like words are arbitrary symbols designed to frame our human need to control space, time, and language. We, transforming educators, during our daily practices constantly question if this necessity for cultural structure contributes to protect primeval knowledge generated within the communities or to the contrary this structure generates ethnocentric segregation scanning wisdom as meaningless merchandise individuals bear when crossing borders.

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Vernacular Conversations on Immigration and Border- Crossing: A Narrative-Oriented Action Research Project. (2017). Migraciones Internacionales, 4(14), 131-138.
Nota Crítica

Cómo citar

Vernacular Conversations on Immigration and Border- Crossing: A Narrative-Oriented Action Research Project. (2017). Migraciones Internacionales, 4(14), 131-138.


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